memphis international airport glycol management program
About Project
Memphis international airport – Deicing facility & airside construction
Memphis, Tennessee
- Contract Amount – $201,848,679
- Demo of existing 18″-19″ thick taxiway/apron portland cement concrete (76,000 square yards)
- Demo of existing utilities site-wide (gas, sewer, electrical, fencing, signage, etc.)
- Install all necessary BMP’s
- Stormwater detention system
- 21,500 linear feet of storm drainage piping (15″-60″ RCP, 5’x5′ box culvert, trench drain)
- 80,000 linear feet of underdrain
- 132,000 cubic yards of unclassified excavation (cut/fill)
- 450,000 cubic yards of excess material
- 385,000 square yards of cement treated soil base
- Installation of glycol system
- Installation of new utilities (gas, water, sewer)
- Airfield and roadway lighting system
- Asphalt milling/paving
- 20,500 cubic yards of portland cement concrete

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